Antecedents Behavioral of The Millennial Generation Financial Management

  • et al.
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The purpose of this study is to uncover the antecedents of millennial generation financial management behavior with two important variables, namely financial knowledge and attitudes toward finance. The sampling technique is purposive, the sample used is 100 millennial generations. The sampling technique is by selecting respondents including the millennial generation, which was born in 1978-2000. The data source used is primary data obtained through the results of questionnaire collection to millennial generations. The technique for analyzing is the technical regression analysis using the WarpPLS software program. Testing is done by instrument test, feasibility of the model and finally testing the hypothesis. The results of the study show that financial knowledge influences the management behavior of millennial generation, financial attitudes influence the behavior of the financial management of millennial generations. So that it can be concluded that financial knowledge and attitudes towards finance are important antecedents of millennial generation financial management behavior because financial knowledge and financial attitudes influence the behavior of millennial generation financial management.




Sukaris* … Saepuloh, A. (2019). Antecedents Behavioral of The Millennial Generation Financial Management. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 1583–1588.

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