The pharmacological approach to eating disorders (ED) is effective in a few conditions, and to date, no treatment has shown certain efficacy in treating patients with this disorder. Furthermore, attempts to regulate hunger and satiety through modulation pharmacological effects of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides have shown only short-term benefit. However, in light of the serious impact of DCA on patients and the scarcity of non-pharmacological therapeutic approaches, research in this area should not be abandoned, also because new generation "molecules"become increasingly available. Many studies looked at efficacy of antipsychotics, Tryciclics, SSRI, mood stabilizers in the treatment of ED. Gabaergic circuit, the opioid one are extremely involved in the neurohormonal mechanisms of regulation of dietary behaviors and that molecules that influence these circuits could be used in the pharmacological treatment of ED as already happens in the case of Naltrexone, gabapentine or gabaergic drugs.
Mendolicchio, L., Apicella, E., & Ventura, E. (2021). Eating disorders and psychofarmachology: Rethink the treatment of eating disorders. In Psychiatria Danubina (Vol. 33, pp. 63–68). Medicinska Naklada Zagreb.
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