This paper discusses the formulation process of conditional cash transfer associated with healthcare conditions demanded by Brazil's Family Allowance Program, Programa Bolsa Família (PBF), and also aims to analyze the interfaces of PBF and other nutrition policies. It used the multiple streams model proposed by Kingdon, which implies moving into a new "decision agenda" from the interation of three streams: problems, solutions and alternatives and political stream. Analysis of documents and interviews was used in order to reconstruct the trajectory of these stream. In the design of healthcarés conterparts, conceptual and operational critical of programs for combating Undernourished Child and the extinction of Food Stocks Distribution Program (PRODEA) were in stream of problems. The proposed conditional cash transfer ongoing, was in the stream of solutions and alternatives. Finally the decision of creation a social protect network, was in the political stream. In the conditional cash transfer design process, with counterparts in health, the technical area on food and nutrition assumed the role of policy entrepreneurs in the junction of three streams. Reflection on this process helps us to understand the role of health services in intersectoral programs.
Trevisani, J. de J. D., Burlandy, L., & Jaime, P. C. (2012). Fluxos decisórios na formulação das condicionalidades de saúde do programa bolsa família. Saude e Sociedade, 21(2), 492–509.
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