Economical smart agriculture monitoring system

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In recent times, where technology is playing major role in all the aspects of our life,farming which is majorly affected by various environmental fators need enhanced ways in order to improve the yeild of crops. In this paper we have discussed the use of IoT technology to help the farmers detect the favourable envornmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, soil moisture and water level with the help of various sensor implemntation. The system will compare the information collected from hardware module with the standard information stored for each seed in database and provide details of the seeds that will be appropriate to be cultivated under the environmental conditions that are obtained from the wireless sensors. Nowadays, the emerging Internet of Things (IoT) along with Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) with their low-cost sensors and new opportunities provide a more precise, site-specific, and sustainable agriculture in the context of Smart Farming.

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Gurnule, P. V. (2019). Economical smart agriculture monitoring system. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 3669–3671.

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