Colour parameters, whiteness indices and physical features of marking paints for horizontal signalization

  • Zarubica A
  • Miljkovic M
  • Purenovic M
  • et al.
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The present paper describes the assessment of colour parameters of industrial paints for horizontal signalization (designed as POM S1 and POM S2 / ZEB 1 and ZEB 2) of white colour hue, coming from two different producers ("Pomoravlje" and "Zorka") with reference to an independent sample (IND 0) and some physical properties of each sample. Colorimetric characterization of samples was performed using a reflectance spectrophotometer "Update Colour Eye 3000". Standard and modified test methods (ASTM) were performed to establish physical properties of the paints. The industrial paints show better values for the investigated parameters and properties and satisfy standards prescribed by law. POM S2 sample with dry film thickness, similar to the same of other samples, provides the best physical features maximizing quality and minimizing protection cost.Ovaj rad opisuje odredjivanje parametara boje industrijski proizvedenih organskih premaza za horizontalnu signalizaciju (oznacenih kao POM S1 i POM S2 / ZEB 1 i ZEB 2), belog tona boje, dva razlicita proizvodjaca ("Pomoravlje" i "Zorka") u odnosu na nezavisni uzorak (IND 0) i neka fizicka svojstva svakog pojedinacnog uzorka. Kolorimetrijska karakterizacija uzoraka je izvrsena refleksionim spektrofotometrom tipa "Update Colour Eye 3000". Standardne i modifikovane test metode su koriscene radi utvrdjivanja fizickih svojstava organskih premaza. Industrijski proizvedeni premazi pokazuju bolje vrednosti ispitivanih parametara i svojstava i zadovoljavaju standarde propisane zakonom. POM S2 uzorak sa debljinom suvog filma, slicnom istoj ostalih uzoraka, obezbedjuje najbolja fizicka svojstva povecavajuci kvalitet do maksimuma i snizavajuci cenu zastite do minimuma.




Zarubica, A., Miljkovic, M., Purenovic, M., & Tomic, V. (2005). Colour parameters, whiteness indices and physical features of marking paints for horizontal signalization. Facta Universitatis - Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 3(2), 205–216.

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