We report the results of a survey of the Galactic center region (|l| < 2?, |b| < 0.?5) performed with the BeppoSAX satellite. The flux from the center of our Galaxy corresponds to a luminosity of ?3 ? 1035 ergs s-1 in the 2-10 keV range. Due to the limited angular resolution (?1?), only part of it is supposed to come from Sagittarius A*, the nonthermal radio source that is believed to mark the dynamical center of the Galaxy. In addition to the diffuse emission, several bright (LX ? 1036 ergs s-1) point sources have been observed, both persistent (A1742-294, SLX 1744-299, SLX 1744-300, 1E 1743.1-2843, 1E 1740.7-2942) and transient (XTE J1748-288, SAX J1747.0-2853 and KS 1741-293). The low-mass X-ray binary (LMXRB) AX J1745.6-2901, discovered with ASCA at only 1.?3 from Sgr A*, was detected in a low-luminosity state in 1997 August. The 1-150 keV spectrum of the hard X-ray source 1E 1740.7-2942 is well described by a Comptonization model, typical of black hole candidates in their low/hard state, with no evidence for strong Fe lines. The detection of a type I burst shows that the transient source SAX J1747.0-2853 (probably the same as the 1976 transient GX 0.2-0.2) is a LMXRB containing a neutron star. The transient black hole candidate XTE J1748-288 was detected at a luminosity (?1036 ergs s-1) consistent with the extrapolation of the exponential decay of the outburst observed with the XTE All-Sky Monitor. Two fainter sources are very likely associated with young neutron stars: the (possibly diffuse) X-ray source at the center of the composite supernova remnant G0.9+0.1, and the "head" of the axially symmetric radio source G359.23-0.92. The latter has been detected above ?6 keV, supporting a nonthermal emission mechanism.
Sidoli, L., Mereghetti, S., Israel, G. L., Chiappetti, L., Treves, A., & Orlandini, M. (1999). The Zoo of X–Ray Sources in the Galactic Center Region: Observations with BeppoSAX. The Astrophysical Journal, 525(1), 215–227. https://doi.org/10.1086/307887
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