Study of road maintenance costs in Makassar city for national roads and provincial roads

ISSN: 22783075
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The lifetime of a street road is highly depending on the existing traffic and environmental conditions. Eventually the road may experience damage and decreases in condition caused by the heavy vehicles. Thus, the road requires schedule to maintain for better sustainability. The budget allocation for road maintenance and road improvement is crucial and high accuracy of budget estimation is required. This study used multiple regression analysis to develop a model with two independent variables, area of road and Average Daily Traffic volume (ADT) to determine the road maintenance budget in 2014 on the national roads and provincial roads in the city of Makassar.




Asad Abdurrahman, M., Rahim, I. R., & Kurniawan Amir, M. (2019). Study of road maintenance costs in Makassar city for national roads and provincial roads. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(4S), 293–296.

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