Title: Analysis of Achievement for Permaculture Implementation at Suwakul Vocational High School Ungaran Using Balanced Scorecard The agricultural vocational school program hopes to increase human resources capable of cultivating land, managing horticultural crops, and producing agricultural products. Suwakul Ungaran Vocational School is one of the vocational schools in Semarang Regency that applies permaculture in its learning process. The permaculture principles applied at this school are capturing and storing energy, getting harvests, using and respecting resources, zero waste, and respecting diversity. Based on this background, this research focuses on learning outcomes through implementing permaculture with a sustainable agricultural system that includes the development of land processing based on natural ecosystems. The research aims to determine the ability of students at school to produce food and horticultural crops. This research applies a qualitative descriptive method to describe the results of permaculture implementation using Balanced Scorecard analysis, an evaluation strategy with four perspectives in improving an organization's goals. The research results show that learning through the implementation of permaculture at this Vocational School can improve students' abilities at school, as seen from fulfilling the perspective of the Balanced Scorecard. The study's results will be helpful for schools as a learning tool to improve students' abilities in producing agricultural products through the implementation of permaculture.
Handayani, S. A., & Wiyatiningsih. (2023). Analisis Pencapaian Implementasi Permakultur di SMK Suwakul Ungaran Menggunakan Balanced Scorecard. SMART: Seminar on Architecture Research and Technology, 7(1), 235–246. https://doi.org/10.21460/smart.v7i1.259
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