Solving a Continent-Scale Inventory Routing Problem at Renault

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This paper is the fruit of a partnership with Renault. Their reverse logistic requires solving a continent-scale multiattribute inventory routing problem (IRP). With an average of 30 commodities, 16 depots, and 600 customers spread across a continent, our instances are orders of magnitude larger than those in the literature. Existing algorithms do not scale, so we propose a large neighborhood search (LNS). To make it work, (1) we generalize existing split delivery vehicle routing problems and IRP neighborhoods to this context, (2) we turn a state-of-the-art matheuristic for medium-scale IRP into a large neighborhood, and (3) we introduce two novel perturbations: the reinsertion of a customer and that of a commodity into the IRP solution. We also derive a new lower bound based on a flow relaxation. In order to stimulate the research on large-scale IRP, we introduce a library of industrial instances. We benchmark our algorithms on these instances and make our code open source. Extensive numerical experiments highlight the relevance of each component of our LNS.




Bouvier, L., Dalle, G., Parmentier, A., & Vidal, T. (2024). Solving a Continent-Scale Inventory Routing Problem at Renault. Transportation Science, 58(1), 131–151.

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