Context: The equipment for manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) has been in use in our institution for more than 10 years and there is need for operations research on its use. \rObjective: To evaluate the indication for use of the MVA equipment, the complications, and any other problems arising from its use. \rMethod: This is a descriptive study of the cases that were admitted in our facility between January 1992 and December 2002, and had MVA performed on them for various indications. The records from the minor and major operating registers were collated and analyzed for the number, the ages, indications, anaesthetic methods used and any complications arising in patients who had the procedure. \rResults: There were 307 (21.5%) manual vacuum aspirations among 1,428 gynaecological patients seen during the period. The women on whom the instrument was used were all in their peak reproductive period with a mean of 27.6 years. Incomplete abortion was the indication for manual vacuum aspiration in 85.3% of the cases, missed abortion in 7.8%, and the evacuation of molar pregnancies in 6.2%. Sedation with Pentazocine (30mg) was the mode of pain control in all cases of incomplete abortion (85.3%). All cases of incomplete abortion spent less than 24 hours on admission for evaluation, basic investigation and definitive treatment with the Karman\'s syringe. The procedure was well tolerated by all the patients. There were no recorded major morbidities following the procedure. \rConclusion: Manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) with the use of the Karman\'s Syringe has been accepted as the predominant method of treatment of incomplete abortions in our centre. It was found to be simple, safe and costeffective. It has eliminated the admissions of the patients to the ward for more than 24 hours, thereby drastically reducing costs from hospital bed charges. \r Key Words: Karman\'s Syringe, Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA), Abortion. \r[ Trop J Obstet Gynaecol, 2004;21:100-103]
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Mutihir, J. T., & Ujah, I. O. (2005). Experience With Manual Vacuum Aspiration in Jos, Nigeria. Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 21(2).