AbstrakWork From Home (WFH) selama masa pandemi covid 19 memberikan dampak yang cukup beragam bagi setiap orang. Terjadinya perubahan secara tiba-tiba dalam habitual keseharian senantiasa menyebabkan ketidaksiapan secara emosional pada setiap anggota keluarga, baik orang tua maupun anak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan kesadaran orang tua akan pengaruh negatif yang dapat terjadi akibat interaksi yang terjadi antara anggota keluarga, pada perkembangan perilaku anak usia dini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; Mirror of effect merupakan suatu fenomena yang terjadi dimana perilaku anak mencerminkan perilaku lingkungan sosial di sekitarnya. Karakteristik anak yang cenderung mudah berimitasi, belum memiliki konsep yang kuat tentang moral serta menyukai aktivitas bermain menyebabkan kemungkinan Mirror of effect terhadap hal negatif dalam perkembangan perilakunya akan terjadi jika orang tua kurang mampu mengendalikan emosi selama Work From Home pada masa pandemi covid 19. Oleh sebab itu maka diharapkan orang tua mampu mengendalikan emosi dan selalu berusaha menciptakan lingkungan keluarga yang kondusif untuk perkembangan perilaku anak. “Mirror of Effect” in the Development of Child Behavior During Work From Home (WFH) during the Covid Pandemic 19AbstractWork From Home (WFH) during the Covid 19 pandemic had quite a variety of impacts for everyone. The sudden change in daily habituals always causes emotional unpreparedness in each family member, both parents and children. The purpose of this study is to increase parental awareness of the negative effects that can occur due to interactions that occur between family members and on the development of early childhood behavior. The research method used is literature study. The results showed that; Mirror of effect is a phenomenon that occurs in which children's behavior reflects the behavior of the social environment around them. The characteristics of children who tend to easily imitate, do not have a strong concept of morality and like playing activities, causing the possibility of a Mirror of effect on negative things in the development of their behavior if parents are less able to control emotions during Work From Home during the Covid 19 pandemic. Therefore, it is hoped that parents will be able to control emotions and always try to create a family environment that is conducive to the development of children's behavior.
Ismaniar, I., & Utoyo, S. (2020). “Mirror of Effect” dalam Perkembangan Perilaku Anak pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19. Diklus: Jurnal Pendidikan Luar Sekolah, 4(2), 147–157. https://doi.org/10.21831/diklus.v4i2.32429
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