In 2017, the Metal Earth multi-disciplinary exploration project acquired a total of 921 km of regional deep seismic reflection profiles and 184 km of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles in the Abitibi and Wabigoon greenstone belts of the Superior province of Canada. The Abitibi belt hosts several world-class mineral deposits, whereas the Wabigoon has sparse economic mineral deposits. Two high-resolution surveys in the Swayze area, a poorly endowed part of the western Abitibi greenstone belt, served as pioneer surveys with which to better understand subsurface geology and design a strategy to process other surveys in the near future. Swayze seismic data were acquired with crooked survey geometries along roads. Designing an effective seismic processing flow to address these geometries and complex geology required straight common midpoint lines along which both two-dimensional prestack dip-moveout correction and poststack migration processing were applied. The resulting seismic sections revealed steeply dipping and subhorizontal reflections; some correlate with folded surface rocks. An interpreted fault/deformation zone imaged in Swayze north would be a target for metal endowment if it extends the Porcupine–Destor structure. Because of the crooked line geometry of the surveys, two-dimensional /three-dimensional prestack time migration and swath three-dimensional processing were tested. The prestack time migration algorithm confirmed reflections at the interpreted base of the Abitibi greenstone belt. The swath three-dimensional images provided additional spatial details about the geometries of some reflections, but also had less resolution and did not detect many reflectors observed in two dimensions. Geological contacts between felsic, mafic and ultramafic greenstone rock layers are thought the main cause of reflectivity in the Swayze area.
Cheraghi, S., Naghizadeh, M., Snyder, D., Haugaard, R., & Gemmell, T. (2020). High-resolution seismic imaging of crooked two-dimensional profiles in greenstone belts of the Canadian shield: results from the Swayze area, Ontario, Canada. Geophysical Prospecting, 68(1), 62–81.
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