Methods of data intellectual analysis in assessment of economic security level

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The importance of the scientific paper is due to necessity in searching for and studying new ways and methods of economic analysis of activities of business entities. Geopolytical instability, cyclic slumps and variations of currency rates have a negative impact on economic activity both at home and abroad. That is why special emphasis should be placed on ensuring economic security of the financial sector, in particular credit institutions. Nowadays only modern analytical tools, intellectual information technologies can provide objective assessment of economic security level. Intellectual processing and analysis of information on the facility under research can guarantee a balanced management decision. The goal of the research is to gain intellectual perception about the economic security system of the bank system, based on a combination of indices, determining the current status of economic entity. The purpose of the research is analysis, processing, assessment, interpretation of indices used in the system of bank economic security. One of the methods of realizing the task is Data Mining, in particular, clusterizing based on Kohonen Self Organizing Maps. Deductor Studio analytical platform was used as a software tool to realize economic security level of credit institutions.




Gontar, A. A., Lomakin, N. I., Gorbacheva, A. S., Chekrygina, T. A., & Tokareva, E. V. (2019). Methods of data intellectual analysis in assessment of economic security level. In Studies in Computational Intelligence (Vol. 826, pp. 455–464). Springer Verlag.

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