The ontological difference according to the ways of being in the fundamental-ontology

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This research addresses the issue of the ontological difference from the perspective of the ways of Being (being-how), one of the constitutive moments of the unitary-multifaceted idea of Being. Theme and perspective complement each other. First, the ontological difference reveals the ontic phenomenon of the ways to be of beings and the ontological of the ways of Being. Second, both ways provide a palpable visualization about the relata of the ontological difference, clearing the ground to distinguish the Being not only from the beings, but from the beingness, which is unilaterally determined by the presence-at-hand (Vorhandenheit) in the broadest sense.




Ivanoff-Sabogal, C. (2023). The ontological difference according to the ways of being in the fundamental-ontology. Contrastes, 28(1), 41–60.

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