The 4.0 industry is a new productive paradigm based on digitalization. The phenomenon is based, among other factors, in so-called cyber-physical systems---that allow absolute control of what takes place inside the factory, and even outside it, allowing full awareness of the entire process in the production chain. This awareness can be understood as ubiquity, that is, virtual presence in many places simultaneously. Thus, extensive bibliographic research---carried among articles published in the last five years---reveals that the new emerging business models with 4.0 Industry are essentially based on the ubiquity of information, products, and consumers. Therefore, ubiquity expresses new models of relationships with customers and suppliers, as well as innovative ways of producing and managing organizations.
Foresti, F., & Varvakis, G. (2018). Ubiquity and Industry 4.0 (pp. 343–358).
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