The strange quark mass is determined from a new QCD Finite Energy Sum Rule (FESR) optimized to reduce considerably the systematic uncertainties arising from the hadronic resonance sector. As a result, the main uncertainty in this determination is due to the value of Λ QCD. The correlator of axial-vector divergences is used in perturbative QCD to five-loop order, including quark and gluon condensate contributions, in the framework of both Fixed Order (FOPT), and Contour Improved Perturbation Theory (CIPT). The latter exhibits very good convergence, leading to a remarkably stable result in the very wide range s 0 = 1.0-4.0GeV 2, where s 0 is the radius of the integration contour in the complex energy (squared) plane. The value of the strange quark mass in this framework at a scale of 2 GeV is m s(2GeV) = 955(1116)MeV for Λ QCD = 420(330)MeV, respectively.
Dominguez, C. A., Nasrallah, N. F., Ro, R., & Schilcher, K. (2008). Strange quark mass from finite energy QCD sum rules to five loops. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(5).
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