AbstractStress is a condition that is particullary felt by someone due to a discrepancy between what they want and what they actually has that physically affects individual behavior. The cause of stress that is usually felt by nursing students is the curriculum they used. This curriculum is the combination of practice and knowledge so that to become a competent student, they should master both. This condition eventually affect in person's psychological condition because the readiness of each individual to adapt to certain conditions is also different. This stress not only reduce body's immunity but also effect to a person's health condition. This objective of the study is to determine the stress in nursing students during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research method uses Literature Review. Research articles from several databases, namely PubMed and Google Scholar, were identified using the keywords "Stress" AND "Nursing Student" AND "Pandemi Covid-19" which were banned from 2015-2021. Research articles that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria were reviewed using instrument Hawker. The results of the literature review research from 3 articles with 3 stress categories are as follows. The stress level using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) questionnaire is Moderate stress level of 112 (12.23%), then 2 articles using the DASS questionnaire show a Normal value of 469 (95.9%) of respondents, 45 (25.7%) students have a severe stress level with characteristics aged 15-22 years as many as 175 (18.1%), then most of female with total of 660 (23.34%) respondents, and the most criteria in this reasearch is from diploma with a total of 53 (100%) respondents. Students have a good attitude in controlling perceived stress with evidence of Normal values in stress measurement as many as 469 respondents, and Severe values as many as 45 respondents. It means that nursing students in controlling perceived stress are still quite good.Keywords: Covid-19, Nursing Student, Stress AbstrakStres merupakan kondisi seseorang yang mengalami ketidakseimbangan karena ketidaksesuaian antara apa yang diinginkan dengan kenyataan dan mempengaruhi perilaku individu. Stres yang biasanya dialami mahasiswa perawat karena kurikulum yang digunakan gabungan antara praktek dengan pengetahuan sehingga untuk menjadi mahasiswa yang berkompeten harus menguasi keduanya. Perubahan inilah yang mempengaruhi kondisi psikologis seseorang karena kesiapan setiap individu dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan kondisi-kondisi tertentu juga berbeda-beda. Hal ini juga akan membuat imunitas tubuh menjadi menurun dan rentan kepada kondisi kesehatan seseorang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi stress pada mahasiswa perawat di era pandemi Covid-19 menggunakan literature review. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelusuran artikel (literature review) menggunakan database PubMed dan Google Scholar yaitu identifikasi dengan menggunakan kata kunci “Stress” AND “Nursing Student” AND “Pandemic Covid-19” yang di batesi dari tahun 2019-2021. Artikel penelitian yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi di telaah dengan menggunakan instrument Hawker. Hasil penelitian literature review dari 3 artikel dengan 3 kategori stress dan didapatkan hasil tingkat stress menggunakan kuesioner Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) memiliki tingkat stress Moderate 112 (12,23%), lalu 2 artikel menggunakan kuesioner DASS menunjukkan nilai Normal sebanyak 469 (95,9%) responden, 45 (25,7%) mahasiswa memiliki tingkat stress Severe dengan karakteristik usia 15-22 tahun sebanyak 175 (18,1%) lalu, berjenis kelamin perempuan lebih banyak dengan jumlah 660 (23,34%) responden, dan kriteria palling banyak berpendidikan D3 dengan jumlah 53 (100%) responden. Dapat di simpulkan bahwa mahasiswa memiliki sikap yang baik dalam pengendalian stress yang dirasakan dengan bukti nilai Normal dalam pengukuran stress sebanyak 469 responden, dan nilai Severe sebanyak 45 responden yang artinya mahasiswa perawat dalam pengendalian stress masih cukup baik.Kata kunci: Covid-19, Mahasiswa Perawat, Stress.
Ramadhanti, L. R., & Nafiah, H. (2021). Literature Review : Stress Pada Mahasiswa Perawat Di Era Pandemi Covid-19. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kesehatan, 1, 1615–1626. https://doi.org/10.48144/prosiding.v1i.904
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