Taxonomic and disTribuTive noTes on SerapiaS lingua subsp. tunetana (orchidaceae), a rare endemic To Tunisia.—Serapias lingua subsp. tunetana, a rare endemic orchid confined to Tunis, northern of Tunisia, has been rediscovered far away from its type locality nearly after 22 years. Since its first finding in 1996 and its description published in 2005, the subspecies has not been found again, and was presumed to be extinct, or the taxon was erroneously identified. A detailed description of the subspecies justifying an amendment to its description, a map of its current distribution and colour photographs are also provided. The affinities to the related taxa within the S. lingua group occurring in Tunisia are here presented. The global IUCN status for this taxon is evaluated.
El Mokni, R., & Domina, G. (2019). Taxonomic and distributive notes on Serapias lingua subsp. Tunetana (Orchidaceae), a rare endemic to Tunisia. Collectanea Botanica, 38.
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