Uncertainty in constitutive equations for brittle-ductile deformation limits our understanding of earthquake nucleation and propagation at the base of the seismogenic lithosphere. To reduce this uncertainty, we investigate exhumed strike-slip faults and related deformation features in the Lake Edison granodiorite (central Sierra Nevada, CA) that developed at 250–500°C and ~250 MPa. The Seven Gables outcrop contains a 10 cm wide contractional fault step separating 2 m-scale left-lateral faults. Within the step, an ~ 4 cm thick leucocratic dike is stretched and rotated, thus constraining the kinematics of deformation, and the dike and surrounding granodiorite are strongly mylonitized. Petrographic and electron backscatter diffraction analyses reveal evidence for brittle and plastic deformation mechanisms, including dislocation creep, diffusion creep, microfracturing, and cataclasis. We present a 2-D finite element model of the Seven Gables outcrop that tests a series of candidate constitutive equations: Von Mises elastoplasticity, Drucker-Prager elastoplasticity, power law creep viscoelasticity, two-layer elastoviscoplasticity, and coupled elastoviscoplasticity. Models based on Von Mises yielding most accurately match the outcrop deformation. Frictional plastic yield criteria (i.e., Drucker-Prager) are incapable of reproducing the outcrop deformation due to the elevated mean compressive stress and reduced plastic yielding within the model fault step. Furthermore, the power law creep viscoelastic model requires a high strain rate (~10−4 s−1) to resolve slip on faults and fails to localize strain within the step region. Comparing model results and elastic stress fields with field observations suggests that deformation localizes in regions of elevated mean compressive stress and Mises equivalent stress.
Nevitt, J. M., Warren, J. M., & Pollard, D. D. (2017). Testing constitutive equations for brittle-ductile deformation associated with faulting in granitic rock. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122(8), 6269–6293. https://doi.org/10.1002/2017JB014000
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