ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Pemahaman akseptor KB (Keluarga Berencana) tentang KB IUD dan implan masih rendah, hal ini dikarenakan minimnya pengetahuan dan adanya persepsi negatif mengenai kontrasepsi IUD dan implan di masyarakat. Perlu adanya upaya peningkatan pemahaman akseptor KB untuk meningkatkan kualitas dalam pelayanan KB untuk mencapai kesehatan individu yang optimal dan menurunkan angka fertilitas melalui peningkatan pemakaian alat kontrasepsi. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan penyuluhan terhadap peningkatan pemahaman dan kesiapan akseptor KB terhadap efek samping alat kontrasepsi di Klinik Solo Peduli. Metode: Pengabdi memberikan penyuluhan kepada akseptor KB mengenai KB IUD dan implan. Kemudian, Akseptor KB dibagikan kuesioner meliputi pertanyaan tentang efek samping yang dirasakan, serta langkah yang dapat dilakukan ketika efek samping timbul. Hasil: Dari 60 responden, didapatkan mayoritas tingkat pengetahuan efek samping alat kontrasepsi akseptor KB sebanyak 65% adalah “baik”, 35% adalah “kurang”, dan terdapat 18 (30%) orang yang mengalami efek samping minimal, diantaranya: nyeri, ketidaknyamanan hubungan seksual, kenaikan berat badan, jerawat, siklus mentruasi berubah setelah pemasangan alat kontrasepsi. Kesimpulan: Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan efek samping alat kontrasepsi setelah dilakukan penyuluhan dan efek samping yang relatif minimal. Kata Kunci: Akseptor KB, IUD, Implan, Pelayanan KB. ABSTRACT Background: The understanding of family planning acceptors about IUD and implant contraception is still low, this is due to the lack of knowledge and negative perceptions about IUD contraception and implants in the community. There needs to be an effort to increase understanding of family planning acceptors to improve the quality of family planning services to achieve optimal individual health and to reduce fertility rates through increased use of contraceptives. Objective: To determine the effect of counseling treatment on increasing understanding and readiness of family planning acceptors on the side effects of contraceptives at the Solo Peduli Clinic. Methods: The service provider provides counseling to family planning acceptors about IUD and implant family planning. Then, family planning acceptors were distributed questionnaires covering questions about side effects that were felt, as well as steps that could be taken when side effects arose. Results: Of the 60 respondents, it was found that the majority of the level of knowledge about the side effects of contraceptives acceptors of family planning as much as 65% were "good", 35% were "less", and there were 18 (30%) people who experienced minimal side effects, including: pain, discomfort of sexual intercourse, weight gain, acne, menstrual cycles changed after the insertion of contraceptives. Conclusion: There is an increase in knowledge of the side effects of contraceptives after counseling and the relatively minimal side effects. Keywords: family planning acceptors, IUD, implants, family planning services.
Budihastuti, U. R., Laqif, A., Melinawati, E., Prakosa, T., Udiyanto, H., Priyanto, H., … Anggraeni, A. (2021). Peningkatan Pemahaman Akseptor KB terhadap Efek Samping IUD dan Implan dalam Pelayanan KB di Klinik Solo Peduli. PLACENTUM: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Dan Aplikasinya, 9(1), 119. https://doi.org/10.20961/placentum.v9i1.44306
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