There are many passages in the Qur'an that oblige ihsân (doinggoodness). The ulamas understand differently the term of ihsân. The meanings of the term that ulamas mentioned among other are: patient in conducting well worship, doing all order of Allah, giving the rights of relatives, and doing totally good deeds. Izz al-Qur'an-Din ibn Abd al-Qur'an-Salam comprehends ihsân as keeping all kinds of use or benefit and preventing all forms of destruction pertaining with human being, flora, fauna, and environment in term of worshiping to Allah in realization of goodness and harmony among the creature.
Zulkayandri, Z. (2017). KONSEP IHSAN ‘IZZ AL-DIN IBN ABD AL-SALAM. Al-Fikra : Jurnal Ilmiah Keislaman, 4(1), 29.
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