Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer, 1778), poultry red mite or chicken mite, is haematophagous poultry ectoparasite. In poultry flocks small populations of chicken mite usually remain undetected. In order to supplement existing diagnostics we have investigated the method for its early detection. Investigation was carried out on 13 flocks, during two-year period, throughout Serbia and Montenegro. We have established that method for early detection of chicken mite can: improve the efficiency of existing diagnostic methods, that it is simple and reduces the period when parasites are hidden since it enables detection of small number of parasites before the population becomes visible. We recommend it to poultry farmers for regular control of the flock and control of the new flock, to veterinarians in poultry production as supplement to diagnostic methods: when suspecting the presence of Dermanyssosis in order to achieve early differential diagnostics, sampling of small number of chicken mite, monitoring the movement of the population and effect of the treatment, coming to conclusion regarding the effect of the disease control and as element of the forensic evaluation method. .Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer, 1778), crvena kokosija grinja je hematofaga artropoda koji nanosi znatne gubitke u zivinarskoj proizvodnji. Pri malim infestacijama obicno ostaje neotkriven u jatima. U cilju njenog ranog otkrivanja razvijena je metoda za njihovu ranu detekciju. Ogled je sproveden na 13 zivinarskih farmi u dvogodisnjem periodu na teritoriji Srbije i Crne Gore. Na osnovu rezultata smo zakljucili da je metod: efikasniji od postojecih metoda, jednostavan za rad i smanjuje period sakrivenosti parazita u objektu - pomaze u otkrivanju malog broja parazita. Stoga je preporucujemo farmerima za kontrolu ove grinje u objektima farmi, kod kontrole novonabavljenih jata i veterinarima za rutinsku kontrolu jata. Rano otkrivanje crvene kokosije grinje dok je populaciono malobrojna, u mnogome olaksava i poboljsava efekte tretmana i kontrole ove parazitoze. .
Pavlicevic, A., Pavlovic, I., & Stajkovic, N. (2007). Method for early detection of poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer, 1778). Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 23(3–4), 119–127.
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