Women's Wearable Security and Safety Device

  • et al.
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In today’s world, one of the major issues that women all across the globe face is threats to their safety and security. This paper presents a quick safety device that responds immediately when women are in danger. The device is equipped with a button and on pressing the button, a “HELP” message is sent along with the location coordinates to the trusted contacts via an SMS. The device is also capable of capturing an image and a video which can then be analyzed to identify the perpetuator. When a woman feels threatened or she finds herself in a compromising situation, she can use this device for her safety.




Anisha, S. K. … Thippeswamy, M. N. (2020). Women’s Wearable Security and Safety Device. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(4), 171–177. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.d4894.119420

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