Knowledge management processes for B-schools

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This study, explores the intentions of institutions of Indian B-Schools academicians towards knowledge management and knowledge management processes. The use of knowledge management is recognized as an institutional capacity and tends towards growth. A review is conducted based on knowledge management treated as strategic and tactical plan. A pilot study is carried out and the findings are presented in the paper. The pilot study is based on the responses to the questionnaire prepared on the basis of literature. A closer link has to be brought in between the knowledge management and knowledge management processes as it helps our future managers and also provide them the skills they require throughout their life. It is felt that there should be a stronger requirement for change and responses from universities to address them and close the gap. There could be the knowledge management and its practices contributing to the performance of B-Schools and overall development of the institution.




Anil, K. S., & Muralidhar, S. (2019). Knowledge management processes for B-schools. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 201–209.

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