We have obtained a position (at subarcsecond accuracy) of thesubmillimeter bright source GOODS 850-5 (also known as GN 10) in theGOODS-North field using the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer at 1.25mm wavelengths (MM J123633+6214.1; flux density:S1.25mm=5.0+/-1.0 mJy). This source has no opticalcounterpart in deep ACS imaging down to a limiting magnitude ofi775=28.4 mag and its position is coincident with theposition found in recent submillimeter mapping obtained at the SMA.Using deep VLA imaging at 20 cm, we find a radio source(S20cm=34.4+/-4.2 muJy) at the same position that issignificantly brighter than reported by Wang and coworkers (but inagreement with a 3 sigma detection previously reported by Pope andcoworkers). The source is detected by Spitzer in IRAC as well as at 24mum. We apply different photometric redshift estimators usingmeasurements of the dusty, mid/far-infrared part of the SED and derive aredshift z~4. Given our detection in the millimeter and radio weconsider a significantly higher redshift (e.g., z~6 recently proposed byWang and coworkers) unlikely. MM J123633+6214.1 alias GOODS 850-5nevertheless constitutes a bright representative of the high-redshifttail of the submillimeter galaxy population that may contribute asignificant fraction to the (sub)millimeter background.Based on observations carried out with the IRAM Plateau de BureInterferometer. IRAM is supported by INSU/CNRS (France), MPG (Germany),and IGN (Spain). The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facilityof the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreementby Associated Universities, Inc.
Dannerbauer, H., Walter, F., & Morrison, G. (2008). Interferometric Detections of GOODS 850-5 at 1 mm and 1.4 GHz. The Astrophysical Journal, 673(2), L127–L130. https://doi.org/10.1086/528794
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