In this study, we measured regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and the cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen (rCMRO 2 ), using positron emission tomography (PET) with O 15-radiopharmaceuticals, to clarify the pathophysiology of hydrocephalus in the developing brain. Seven hydrocephalic children without severe neurological deficit were studied. Hypoperfusion and lower rCMRO 2 values were observed in the prefrontal, parietal, and visual association cortices which surrounded the dilated anterior or posterior horns of the lateral ventricle. In those cases with markedly enlarged anterior or posterior horns, the surrounding cortices showed relatively lower rCMRO 2 values with the fall of rCBF. Hydrocephalus tended to damage various association cortices were functional development occurs later than in other cortical regions.
Shirane, R., Sato, S., Kameyama, M., Ogawa, A., Yoshimoto, T., Hatazawa, J., & Ito, M. (1991). Cerebral Blood Flow and Oxygen Metabolism in Children with Hydrocephalus. In Hydrocephalus (pp. 144–152). Springer Japan.
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