Detecting spam messages in twitter data by machine learning algorithms using cross validation

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Now a day’s human relations are maintained by social media networks. Traditional relationships now days are obsolete. To maintain in association, sharing ideas, exchange knowledge between we use social media networking sites. Social media networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc are available in the communication environment. Through Twitter media users share their opinions, interests, knowledge to others by messages. At the same time some of the user’s misguide the genuine users. These genuine users are also called solicited users and the users who misguidance are called spammers. These spammers post unwanted information to the non spam users. The non spammers may retweet them to others and they follow the spammers. To avoid this spam messages we propose a methodology by us using machine learning algorithms. To develop our approach used a set of content based features. In spam detection model we used Support vector machine algorithm(SVM) and Naive bayes classification algorithm. To measure the performance of our model we used precision, recall and F measure metrics.




Subba Reddy, K., & Srinivasa Reddy, E. (2019). Detecting spam messages in twitter data by machine learning algorithms using cross validation. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 2941–2946.

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