Urban air quality around commercial and residential areas in cities has been progressively deteriorating due to gaseous pollutants released by an increasing load of vehicular on the roads resulting in adverse effects on human health. Plants due to their gas exchange have capability combat gaseous pollutants. The Phytoremediation capability and capacity of plants has been studied through the use of Anticipated Pollution Index (API) and Air pollution tolerance Index (APTI). Apart from other factors, the ecological significance of each plant has been considered for evaluating the API. The present study was undertaken for 40 plants, Syzygium cumini, Menispermum cordifoliu, Albizia lebbeck, Saborium chinense Raf. Eclipta prostrate, Tectona grandis, Thevetia peruviana, Nerium oleander Linn, Pithecellobium dulc, Alianthus excelsa Roxb., etc.. Phoenix humili (3.65) and Calotropis gigantean (15.13) with highest APTI were found to be more tolerant to gaseous pollutants, whereas Syzygium cumini is anticipated to be better performer along road sides on the API score. Others plants found to be excellent performers were Thevetia peruviana, Tectona grandis, Grevillea robusta, Alstonia scholaris, Olea paniculata, Delonix regia, Casuarine equisetifolia, Pinus roxbughi Sarg .
Deswal, M., Deswal, P., Duhan, S. S., & Laura, J. S. (2019). An assessment of anticipated pollution index of some common plants and trees of rohtak city of haryana (India). Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 12(3), 1627–1640. https://doi.org/10.31788/RJC.2019.1235214
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