We all face every day with the movement of a new era, and the era of knowledge economy. Employees need continuously for high level of education, acquisition of different and new behaviors, which helps to adapt to the changes of social environment which constitutes a challenges for development of tourism. The grouth of enhancement in the work environment affects positively in the development of a tourist economy. They form the basis of knowledge that are required to do the job, for the agreement between customers and managers and to increase the quality in tourism services that offers this sector. Job skills are not equal to the skills of the labor environment of the tourist sector. As Bob Nelson (2001) says ’’Never say that we don’t need learning. New day is born and something new for us to continue the flow absent. ’’ Reading, writing, math are the base of skill increase. Talking, speaking, listening, suitability are the basis of good communication and these help for problems solving, thinking creatively, effective work group which increases quality work group and interpersonal skills or influenced skills, for example the leadership and understanding the dynamics of a group. These are some items that makes tourism more attractive. We can never say that we know everything, because the development of technology is moving toward new technology and innovations. Years ago these skills are defined by being divided in 3 categories: basic skills, personal menagement and teamwork skillsevery day we got comments from employees about their salary and their dissatisfation is clear. it brings non eficance to employees who work in a turism sector. They are worry becouse for the same job they salary is in a same level like the other non qualified employees have. This comes from incompetence of leaders to identify their skills. All these things make up a complex type, that makes you feel “less than. . . ”. In the end we create several problems that tourism is facing nowadays. No matter how much power, brilliance or energy you have, if you dont use it and dont focus on a specific target you wont reach your goals Ziglar, 1985, p. 25). DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n2p397
Korsi, Z., Hasani, D. Z., & Korsi, A. (2014). Employee Skills, a Very Important Factor in Tourism Grouth. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. https://doi.org/10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n2p397
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