Abstrak Ujian nasioanal merupakan satu agenda penting dalam pelaksanaan proses pendidikan formal di Indonesia. Ujian nasional menjadi penilaian akhir proses belajar seseorang dalam jenjang pendidikan di sekolah. Dari masa ke masa, Ujian nasional mengalami banyak perubahan dalam hal pelaksanaannya. Di era kepemimpinan Mendikbud Anies Baswedan, mulai dicanangkan sistem Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer (UNBK) atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai CBT ( Computer Based Test). Seiring dengan peningkatan fasilitas komputer di sekolah-sekolah sistem ini perlahan-lahan akan menggantikan sistem ujian nasional yang selama ini dilakukan menggunakan kertas ( Paper Based Test). Namun perkembangan ini tidak disertai dengan perkembangan kemampuan sekolah sebagai pelaksana UNBK untuk memberikan fasilitas latihan bagi para siswanya guna menghadapi UNBK. Pemerintah pusat memang tidak menyiapkan fasilitas secara khusus bagi sekolah untuk melaksanakan try out UNBK. Disamping itu penggunaan sistem UNBK yang harus dikoordinir dari pusat tidak memngkunkan bagi sekolah untuk menggunaknnya secara mandiri. Maka dari itu jika pihak sekolah ingin melaksanakan try out UNBK, pihak sekolah harus mengadakannya secara mandiri menggunakan sistem lain yang penggunaannya cukup dengan perangkat komputer yang ada di sekolah. Aplikasi dikembangkan dengan metode waterfall dan dibuat dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP database SQL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aplikasi mampu diajalankan perangkat komputer yang ada di sekolah dan memberikan manfaat lain bagi para guru agar bisa menilai kesiapan para siswanya dalam menghadapi UNBK. ========================== Abstract The national exam is an important agenda in the implementation of the formal education process in Indonesia. The national exam is the final assessment of a person's learning process at the level of education at school. From time to time, the National Examination has undergone many changes in terms of its implementation. In the era of the leadership of Minister of Education and Culture Anies Baswedan, the Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer (UNBK) system or better known as CBT (Computer Based Test) was launched. Along with the improvement of computer facilities in schools, this system will slowly replace the national examination system which has been conducted using paper (Paper Based Test). However, this development is not accompanied by the development of the ability of schools as UNBK implementers to provide training facilities for their students to face UNBK. The central government did not prepare special facilities for schools to carry out the UNBK try out. In addition, the use of the UNBK system which must be coordinated from the center does not allow schools to use it independently. Therefore, if the school wants to carry out the UNBK try out, the school must conduct it independently using another system whose use is sufficient with computer equipment at the school. The application was developed using the waterfall method and made using the PHP SQL database programming language. The results showed that the application was able to run on computer devices in schools and provided other benefits for teachers so that they could assess the readiness of their students to face the UNBK.
Prabawa, G. A. (2022). Sistem Informasi Manajemen Try Out CBT (Computer Based Test) Untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics, 5(2), 76. https://doi.org/10.20961/ijai.v5i2.35268
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