Abstrak_ Samarinda adalah ibu kota provinsi Kalimantan Timur yang wilayahnya dibagi oleh aliran sungai Mahakam. Setiap tepian sungai Mahakam sering dimanfaatkan menjadi area rekreasi berupa taman dan juga permukiman diatas air. Penduduk Samarinda yang memiliki beragam latar belakang budaya dan kebutuhan secara fisik (difabel) sangat membutuhkan sarana rekreasi berupa ruang terbuka hijau (taman) yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Menurut data pemerintah provinsi Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim) dinilai cukup tinggi karena mencapai 7.331 orang, sehingga pemerintah dan semua pihak terkait perlu untuk menyiapkan fasilitas umum yang ramah terhadap kebutuhan para difabel. Kondisi taman-taman khususnya di area tepian Mahakam belum ada yang ditata khusus sesuai kebutuhan difabel yang telah diatur oleh kementrian PU. Adapun kebutuhan fasilitas yang perlu diperhatikan berupa parkiran khusus difabel, ramp dan tangga, jalur sirkulasi, toilet dan kebutuhan area beristirahat juga ruang laktasi bagi ibu menyusui. Pada Penelitian ini akan menghadirkan konsep-konsep ramah difabel yang dipadukan dengan kearifan lokal budaya setempat dalam hal tampilan desain. Mengedukasi masyarakat akan ragam budaya yang dimiliki oleh penduduk Samarinda juga akan menjadi salah satu konsep yang dihadirkan pada perancangan taman ini. Edukasi akan disampaikan secara visual melalui bentukan-bentukan bangunan pada taman berupa bangunan dengan konsep Neo Vernakular khas Kalimantan Timur, ragam ornamen yang didesain pada pola lantai, ramp, dan bentuk taman labirin. Serta dihadirkan pula spot untuk meletakkan miniatur beberapa rumah tradisional yang mewakili beberapa daerah di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif berupa kajian permasalahan di lapangan berupa peninjauan kondisi site, kajian literatur tentang budaya khususnya budaya Dayak dan Kutai Kalimantan Timur. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa sebuah konsep perancangan taman Etam yang dilengkapi fasilitas ramah difabel seperti ramp, parkiran difabel, jalur sirkulasi, tempat istirahat, toilet dan ruang laktasi, serta fasilitas lainnya yang didesain dengan gaya neo vernakular khas Kalimantan Timur. Kata kunci : Taman, Difabel; Budaya; Samarinda; Kalimantan Timur. Abstract_ Samarinda is the capital of the province of East Kalimantan, whose territory is divided by the Mahakam river. Each bank of the Mahakam river is often used as a recreation area in the form of parks and also settlements on water. Samarinda residents who have a variety of cultural backgrounds and physical needs (diffable) really need recreational facilities in the form of green open spaces (parks) that can meet these needs. According to data from the provincial government of East Kalimantan (Kaltim), it is considered quite high because it reaches 7,331 people, so the government and all related parties need to prepare public facilities that are friendly to the needs of people with disabilities. The condition of the parks, especially on the edge of the Mahakam, has not been specially arranged according to the needs of people with disabilities which have been regulated by the Ministry of Public Works. The facility needs attention in the form of special parking for people with disabilities, ramps and stairs, circulation paths, toilets and the need for rest areas as well as lactation rooms for nursing mothers. This research will present diffable-friendly concepts combined with local cultural wisdom in terms of design appearance. Educating the public about the various cultures possessed by Samarinda residents will also be one of the concepts presented in the design of this park. Education will be delivered visually through the formations of buildings in the garden in the form of buildings with a Neovernacular concept typical of East Kalimantan, various ornaments designed on floor patterns, ramps, and the shape of a maze garden. Also presented is a spot to put miniatures of several traditional houses that represent several regions in Indonesia. The method used is qualitative in the form of a study of problems in the field in the form of reviewing site conditions, reviewing literature on culture, especially the Dayak and Kutai cultures of East Kalimantan. The results of this study are a design concept for the Etam park which is equipped with disability-friendly facilities such as ramps, disabled parking, circulation paths, rest areas, toilets and lactation rooms, as well as other facilities designed in a neo vernacular style typical of East Kalimantan. Keywords : Park, Disabled, Culture, Samarinda, East Kalimantan
Thamrin, N. H., & Musthafa AP, H. (2022). KONSEP PERANCANGAN TAMAN RAMAH DIFABEL PADA TEPIAN SUNGAI MAHAKAM SAMARINDA KALIMANTAN TIMUR. Nature: National Academic Journal of Architecture, 9(1), 83–95. https://doi.org/10.24252/nature.v9i1a7
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