The Effects of Focus Attention Instructions on the Movement Kinetics, Muscle Activation and Performance during Resistance Exercise

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The aim of this study was to compare kinetics, muscle activation and performance during resistance exercises between internal focus attention instructions, external focus attention instructions and control condition. Thirty (n = 30, mean age = 21.40 0.93 years old) healthy men were recruited as participants and were asked to perform resistance exercises in three conditions; i) internal focus, ii) external focus and iii) control (no focus attention instruction). Participants performed 10RM squat and deadlift assessment in which kinetics, muscle activation and number of repetitions completed were recorded and analyzed during the exercises. Findings of this study revealed that external focus attention instruction produced greater force production and number of repetitions completed while at the same time lower muscle activity compared to the internal focus conditions. To conclude, external focus attention instructions were suggested to be adopted during resistance training due to its effectiveness to make movement more economic while producing greater performance in which will be more advantages for future adaptations.




Nadzalan, A. M., Lee, J. L. F., Mohamad, N. I., Azzfar, M. S., Malek, N. F. A., & Waqqash, E. (2020). The Effects of Focus Attention Instructions on the Movement Kinetics, Muscle Activation and Performance during Resistance Exercise. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1529). Institute of Physics Publishing.

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