Teaching materials not only contain text and pictures but have a learning material organization that can build higher-order thinking skills. Teaching materials contain the organizational structure of the sequence of student activities. This research aimed to design ’climatology’ teaching materials that can hone critical and creative thinking skills. Teaching material products were designed to include the preparation of material with a compilation format based on ACAR (activation, confirmation, activities, and resume), which comes from brain-based learning theory. The teaching materials were validated, tested, and implemented in field learning. The results of the evaluation showed that students were able to use the materials to master the concepts used to solve problems. This showed that the ACAR learning model design effectively helped to hone students’ critical and creative thinking skills. Keywords: ACAR, creative thinking, teaching material
Hari Utomo, D. (2022). Designing Teaching Materials Using ACAR to Inspire Critical and Creative Thinking. KnE Social Sciences. https://doi.org/10.18502/kss.v7i16.12190
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