Adakah terdapat perbezaan makna bagi perkataan al-matar dan sinonimnya dalam al-Quran? Kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsep atau definisi yang paling sesuai berkaitan makna al-matar (hujan) iaitu persamaan dua perkataan atau lebih pada makna secara berasingan atau mengikut asal ia digunakan untuk makna yang sama dari sudut yang sama. Kajian ini merupakan pendekatan kualitatif yang menggunakan kaedah analisis teks. Al-Qur’an dijadikan sumber utama dalam mengenal pasti dan menganalisis perkataan al-matar dan sinonimnya. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa maksud setiap perkataan matar dan sinonimnya iaitu wabil, wadq, sayyib dan ghaith yang digunakan berkaitan hujan mempunyai perbezaan daripada pelbagai sudut. Berdasarkan definisi dan juga perbezaan sudut makna bagi semua perkataan berkaitan dengan hujan. Are there any differences in the meaning of the word of al-matar and its synonyms in the Quran? This study is to find out the most appropriate concept or definition in this study related to the meaning of al-matar (rain) which is the similarity of two or more words on the meaning separately or according to the origin it is used for the same meaning from the same angle. This study is a qualitative approach that uses text analysis methods. The Qur'an is used as the main source in identifying and analyzing the word al-matar and its synonyms. The results of the study found that the meaning of each word matar and its synonyms namely wabil, wadq, sayyib and ghaith used in connection with rain have differences from various angles. Based on the definition and the difference in meaning angle for all words related to rain, it shows that there is no taraduf for this word in the Quran. This proves that each word has a role and function as well as a meaning that cannot be given by other words that seem to be synonymous. In conclusion from this lexical meaning, it is found that al-matar is a basic word that is often used for rain. While other words follow the basic word with its own characteristics.
Rifa’in, S., Pa, M. T., Sejo, M. Z., & Othman, A. (2023). Analisis Semantik Leksikal Perkataan Al-Matar Dan Sinonimnya Dalam Al-Quran Al-Karim. AL-HIKMAH: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES AND HUMAN SCIENCES, 6(1), 137–160.
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