LetB1: Rn×RN1→Rm1,B2: Rn×RN2→Rm2andQ: Rm2→Rm1be bilinear forms which are related as follows: ifμandνsatisfyB1(ξ,μ)=0 andB2(ξ,ν)=0 for someξ≠0, thenμτQν=0. Supposep-1+q-1=1. Coifman, Lions, Meyer and Semmes proved that, ifu∈Lp(Rn) andv∈Lq(Rn), and the first order systemsB1(D,u)=0,B2(D,v)=0 hold, thenuτQvbelongs to the Hardy spaceH1(Rn), provided that both (i)p=q=2, and (ii) the ranks of the linear mapsBj(ξ,·) : RNj→Rm1are constant. We apply the theory of paracommutators to show that this result remains valid when only one of the hypotheses (i), (ii) is postulated. The removal of the constant-rank condition whenp=q=2 involves the use of a deep result of Lojasiewicz from singularity theory. © 1997 Academic Press.
Li, C., McIntosh, A., Zhang, K., & Wu, Z. (1997). Compensated compactness, paracommutators, and Hardy spaces. Journal of Functional Analysis, 150(2), 289–306. https://doi.org/10.1006/jfan.1997.3125
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