This paper investigates the problem of resilient consensus for multi-agent systems under malicious attacks. Compared with most of existing works, a more flexible network topology scheme is considered, where a kind of specific agents as the mobile detectors and builders of network robustness are adopted. Specifically, the mobile agents can perceive the message of their nearby agents in the dynamic network, and acquire both in-degree and state information of each node as characteristics to judge the network state as well as communication links between nodes. It is shown that even in poor network robustness, the non-faulty agents can still achieve a consensus in finite time with the help of mobile agents. Finally, the simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Yan, H., Wu, Y., Xu, M., Wu, T., Xu, J., & Qiao, T. (2018). Resilient Consensus for Multi-agent Networks with Mobile Detectors. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 11307 LNCS, pp. 291–302). Springer Verlag.
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