Wearable wireless sensor system with RF remote activation for industrial applications

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These days, Sensors are playing very important role in the world with combination of Wireless Technology.Wireless Sensor System makes the human life simpler and smarter. This emerging Technology helps in Industrial Applications.Safety and Security standards to employee position observation and industrial premises monitoring is also important towards safety Industrials. In this paper we are introducing advanced sensor system called Wearable Wireless Sensor System. It is the combination of Wireless Sensors and Wearable Technology for significant safety enhancement in Industrials. We built up a wearable wireless sensor framework which is appended in a consistent wearable format & utilized to work environment observation. Wireless Sensors are temperature, smoke sensor and LPG Gas sensor. The fundamental element of designed framework is likelihood could be actuated wirelessly through a RF module with radio signal at a frequency of 850MHz to 865MHz.It performs different wearable sensing module framework, for example, changing the framework from rest, estimation, and information transmission modes when outside RF sign is accessible. The exploratory information exhibit that the actuation separation distance is 2.8 m to a RF module with an intensity of 28 dBm. Advanced Wearable System framework can signalize about worker nearness in connection to offices. If any alert through high temperature, smoke or gas leakage RF wireless module alert us through buzzer and we control the same thing through Wireless Technology. All info and out modules are interfaced to ARDUINO Microcontroller with procedure input information and furnish yield with assistance of 5V controlled power supply. In this task we utilized Arduino ide programming to compose c program and accumulating.




Ahmed Zeeshan, G., Sundaraguru, R., & Naaz, F. (2019). Wearable wireless sensor system with RF remote activation for industrial applications. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 4716–4720. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.C6854.098319

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