Experimental & mathematical modeling and analysis of piezoelectric energy harvesting with dynamic periodic loading

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In this research work, an experimental model is developed to apply the dynamic periodic load on piezoelectric material for energy harvesting. The proposed setup is analyzed to calculate the energy harvested with circular piezo-patch with end supported boundary conditions. Piezo patch is connected with full bridge rectifier circuit under dynamic loading condition to calculate the output of the system. The proposed setup consists of a force sensor, a printed circuit board (P.C.B.) with calibration circuit, a LCD display unit, a stepper motor, a suitable power source and a robust mechanism to apply the dynamic periodic load. The input dynamic load can be varied by varying the height of the piezo-patch. Mathematical modeling of the proposed system has also been developed and successfully validated with experimental results. It is observed that the proposed setup and mathematical modeling accurately apply varying dynamic load and able to calculate the output of the system.




Yadav, M., Yadav, D., Kumar, S., Garg, R. K., & Chhabra, D. (2019). Experimental & mathematical modeling and analysis of piezoelectric energy harvesting with dynamic periodic loading. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 6346–6350. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.C6107.098319

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