ABSTRAK Penggunaan andromed pada waktu tertentu sulit untuk didapatkan sehingga perlu alternatif lain untuk mengurangi penggunaan andromed. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh sari wortel sebagai bahan pengencer mengurangi penggunaan pengencer andromed pada semen sapi bali terhadap kualitas spermatozoa sapi bali. Penelitian ini menggunakan semen sapi bali dari Balai Inseminasi Buatan Tuah Sakato, Payakumbuh. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) 4 perlakuan dengan 5 ulangan. Perlakuan pertama: 100% pengencer andromed (P0), sari wortel 5% + andromed 95% (P1), 10% sari wortel + 90% andromed (P2), 15% sari wortel + 85% andromed (P3). Peubah yang dievaluasi adalah persentase motilitas, persentase viabilitas, persentase abnormalitas dan persentase membran plasma utuh setelah pengenceran dan setelah thawing. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa nilai motilitas dan membran plasma utuh semen sapi setelah pengenceran dan setelah thawing tidak berbeda nyata, tetapi berbeda nyata pada nilai abnormalitas dan nilai viabilitas. Kesimpulan: Sari worteldapat mengurangi pemakaian andromed sampai 15% sebagai bahan pengencer pada semen sapi bali.Kata Kunci: membran plasma, motilitas, sapi bali, spermatozoa, viabilitasABSTRACTAndromed is difficult to obtain at any given time so we need other alternatives to reduce the use of andromed. The aim of this study was to understand the effect of carrot juice as a diluent to reduce the use of andromed diluents in bali cattle semen. This study used semen from bali cattle from the Artificial Insemination Center of Tuah Sakato, Payakumbuh. The design used was completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and five replications. The treatments consisted of 100% andromed (P0), 5% carrot juice + 95%andromed(P1),10% carrot juice + 90% andromed (P2), and 15% carrot juice + 85% andromed (P3). The variables measured were the percentage of motility, the percentage of viability, the percentage of abnormality and percentage of intact plasma membrane after dilution and after thawing. The results showed that the motility values and membrane values of the intact plasma membrane of cattle spermatozoa after dilution and post-thawing were not significantly different, but were significantly different in abnormality percentage and viability percentage. This study concluded that carrot juice could reduce the use of andromed up to 15% as a diluent in bali cattle semen.Keywords: bali cattle, motility, plasm membrane, viability, spermatozoa
Yendraliza, Y., Musyrifin, M., Elviriadi, E., Zumarni, Z., & Rodiallah, M. (2019). Viabilitas Spermatozoa Sapi Bali Menggunakan Pengencer Andromed dengan Penambahan Konsentrasi Sari Wortel yang Berbeda. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis, 6(2), 239. https://doi.org/10.33772/jitro.v6i2.5936
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