Background/Aim. Oral health is very important for the function and the quality of human life. The aim of this study was to determine the spread of caries on the permanent teeth, the state of health of the periodontium and the state of oral hygiene in the children at the age of 12 in Montenegro. Methods. The research was carried out within 2006 and included 455 primary school pupils of both sex, the age of 12 in the northern, midlle and southern area of Montenegro. The parameters used to estimate oral health condition were: mean number of decayed, missing, and filled teeth due to caries (DMFT), Significant Caries Index (SiC), Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN), presence of sealants, and to estimate oral hygiene condition: Debris Index (Green-Vermillion) and Calculus Index (Green). A dental team clinically examined all the subjects in line with World Health Organization (WHO) methodology and criteria. All chosen children from the sample were checked by the standard dental diagnostic equipment (plane dental mirror, dental, standard CPITN periodontal probe) under the artificial light on the dry teeth, on the dental chair. Results. The average value of Index DMFT at 12-year-old in Montenegro was 3.43. On average, 88.35% of the examined children had dental caries. The SiC Index was 6.35. Among the examined children, 11.9% had at least one tooth with a fissure sealant. The healty periodontium had 64% of the 12-year-old children. The average value of Debris Index was 1.086, and the average value of Calculus Index was 0.6508. Conclusion. Oral health condition in children at the age of 12 in Montenegro does not satisfy. Thus the importance of the modern preventive measures and programmes should be emphasized and applied through the system of primary oral protection and intensively promote oral health.Uvod/Cilj. Oralno zdravlje je veoma vazno za funkcionisanje i kvalitet zivota ljudi. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrdjivanje rasprostranjenosti karijesa na stalnim zubima, stanja parodoncijuma i stanja oralne higijene kod dece uzrasta 12 godina u Crnoj Gori. Metode. Istrazivanje je sprovedeno tokom 2006, a obuhvatilo je 455 ucenika osnovnih skola, oba pola, uzrasta 12 godina u severnoj, srednjoj i juznoj regiji Crne Gore. Parametri korisceni za procenu stanja oralnog zdravlja bili su indeksi prosecnog broja karijesnih, izvadjenih i zuba plombiranih zbog karijesa (Mean number of decayed, missing, and filled teeth due to caries - DMFT), Significant Caries Index (SiC) i Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN), a za procenu stanja oralne higijene indeks mekih naslaga prema Green-Vermillion-u i indeks zubnog kamenca prema Green-u. Jedan stomatolog klinicki je pregledao sve ispitanike u skladu sa metodologijom i kriterijumima Svetske Zdravstvene Organizacije (SZO). Sva izabrana deca iz uzorka pregledana su standardnim stomatoloskim dijagnostickim sredstvima (stomatolosko ogledalce, stomatoloska sonda 0,4 mm i standardna parodontalna CPITN sonda) pri vestackom osvetljenju na suvim zubima, na stomatoloskoj stolici. Rezultati. Prosecna vrednost DMFT indeksa za 12-godisnjake iz Crne Gore iznosila je 3,43. Karijes je imalo prosecno 88,35% pregledane dece. Indeks SiC iznosio je 6,35. Medju ispitanom decom 11,9% je imalo najmanje jedan zub sa prisutnim zalivacem fisura. Zdravi parodoncijum imalo je 64% 12-godisnjaka. Prosecna vrednost indeksa mekih naslaga iznosila je 1,086, a indeksa cvrstih naslaga 0,6508. Zakljucak. Nakon ovih epidemioloskih istrazivanja zakljucujemo da stanje oralnog zdravlja dece ovog uzrasta u Crnoj Gori nije zadovoljavajuce. Shodno tome, treba naglasiti znacaj savremenih preventivnih mera i programa, implementirati ih kroz sistem primarne zdravstvene zastite i intenzivno raditi na promociji oralnog zdravlja.
Djurickovic, M., & Ivanovic, M. (2011). The state of oral health in children at the age of 12 in Montenegro. Vojnosanitetski Pregled, 68(7), 550–555.
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