Applied multidimensional analysis for assessing youth performance in sports talent identification program

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This study attempts to apply multidimensional analysis for assessing the profile of male youth in sports talent identification program. Data of anthropometric and physical fitness included power, agility, speeds, flexibility, strength and endurance were obtained from 600 youth in a sports talent identification program aged 13-15 years. Data analyses were carried out using multivariate analysis cluster analysis (CA) and discriminant analysis (DA). Cluster analysis assigned three groups with different profile. While standard mode of DA demonstrated 90.0% accuracy of classification matrix for the assigned groups with nine discriminated variables. Forward and backward stepwise DA discriminated six variables from nine variables with 90.3% level of accuracy. The variables are weight, sitting height, armspan, 20 meter run, 40 meter run and VO2 max. These selected variables of anthropometric and fitness are, therefore, revealed as the essential attributes those must be prioritized for a talent scouting in sports. Present results had demonstrated multidimensional analysis as comprehensive approach capable of providing an information that could help coaches in decision making during youth selection in sports talent identification.




Rasid, S. M. M., Abdullah, M. R., Juahir, H., Maliki, A. B. H. M., Kosni, N. A., Musa, R. M., … Najmi, N. (2019). Applied multidimensional analysis for assessing youth performance in sports talent identification program. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special Issue 7), 207–211.

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