This chapter highlights HRM management practices within two religious organizations by comparing HRM practices at the Headquarters and at local parish level. Results point to similarities of HR responsibilities of strategic partner, change agent, administrative expert and employee champion compared to HR Managers of laical organizations, at the Headquarters of the two religious organizations. In addition, the greater the number of employees, the more there is a need to have a formal HR Director position. At local level, the parish pastors from the two Christian Confessions act as a servant leader and have, sometimes like in laical organization, to act as an HR manager of proximity although it is not their major mission.
Ramboarison-Lalao, L. (2017). Understanding hrm in religious organizations: HRM practices within two churches of the protestant federation of france. In HRM in Mission Driven Organizations: Managing People in the Not for Profit Sector (pp. 115–144). Palgrave Macmillan.
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