The farmers are getting poorer despite the increase in the agricultural GDP. The profitability of agriculture has declined while the risk involved has increased. The changes in the policy en viron ment a n d the market situation have not benefited the small and marginal farmers uniformly. Th e st u dy a tt emp ts t o project the regulated market of Tripura with different amenities available in the market vicinity. Alto get her 21 markets have been deliberately studied with twenty numbers of respondents from each market, and a total 420 numbers of responses are recorded; and a z-test has been applied to ascertain the relative importance of the specific variables. The market information, storing, weighing, sorting facilities are significantly aff ected on the marketing of agricultural produce in regulated markets of Tripura. In contrast, grading and transportation facilities have been found less affected by the regulated market system in Tri pura . Th e f i rst controlled market was created (1964). Following that, three markets were controlled in 1981, and seventeen markets were regulated in 1986. In Tripura, the government has taken several mea sures t o esta bli sh a controlled market. Despite these measures, there has been no discernible improvement in the state of Tripura's regulated markets.
Hazari, S., & Dey, T. (2021). Regulated market in tripura: For sustainable local governance. Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, 22(2), 68–77.
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