The glass-formin g region of Lhe BaO-Ti02-Si02 system has been deLcTIn ined. The r efractive index, nD, nu value, liquidu s temperat ure, an d trans mi ttances in the nca r infr ar ed have been measured. Also m eas ured for r epresentative glasses were lin ear coefficient of ther mal expansion, deform ation temperature, ch emic al durability, and hyg roscop iciLy. A number of stab le glasses were found, w hich h ave high refractive indices, good infrar ed t r ansm itta nces, and hi gh d eformation te mperatures, an d w hich ar e unique in thei r r esistance to attac k by bot h acids and alk a lis .
Cleek, G. W., & Hamilton, E. H. (1956). Properties of barium titanium silicate glasses. Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, 57(6), 317.
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