ABSTRAK Penelitian kebijakan ini bertujuan mendukung implementasi konsep smart city di Kota Serang Provinsi Banten dengah hasil akhir adalah model penerapan smart city. Tinjauan pustaka sederhadan dipilih sebagai metode kajian dimana pustaka-pustaka yang ada, baik artikel di jurnal maupun di nonjurnal, diambil, ditelaah dan dijadikan acuan dalam pembuatan model. Observasi terhadap perilaku masyarakat dan tokoh masyarakat, wawancara rahasia terhadap masyarakat, tokoh dan juga sejumlah pejabat eselon 3, dilakukan untuk memperkarya konten kajian dan segi-segi penyusunan. Laporan penelitian disusuntulis dengan urutan pendefinisian smart city, metode pengumpulan data, pemaparan dimensi-dimensi dan karakteristik smart city, serta kota-kota yang melaksanakan smart city, penjelasan bagaimana mewujudkan smart city dan peran akademisi dalam ikut mewujudkannya, kritik-kritik terkait konsep smart city, dan penutup berisi kesimpulan dan saran lebih lanjut untuk penerapan konsep smart city di Kota Serang, khususnya pelibatan para tokoh masyarakat dan peran kunci para akademisi. Kata kunci: Smart city, Kota Serang, Akademisi, Green city, Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi ABSTRACT This study aims to support the implementation of the concept of a smart city in Serang City, Banten Province, with the final result of the smart city application model. Simple literature review and selected as a study method in which existing libraries, both in journals and non-journals, are considered, reviewed and used in modeling Observations on the behavior of the community and community leaders, confidential interviews with the community, figures and also a number of echelon 3 officials, were carried out to work on the content of the study and the aspects of preparation. The research report was written in the sequence of defining smart city, methods, presentation of dimensions and characteristics of smart city, as well as cities implementing smart city, explanation of how to realize smart city and the role of academics in participating in making it happen, criticisms related to the smart city concept , and the closing contains conclusions and further suggestions for the application of the smart city concept in Serang City, specifically involving community leaders and the key role of academics. Keywords: Smart city, Serang City, Academics, Green city, Information and Communication Technology
Wibowo, H. A. (2018). MODEL OF ACADEMIC ROLE IN SUPPORTING SMART CITY IMPLEMENTATION IN SERANG CITY. Jurnal Kebijakan Pembangunan Daerah, 2(1), 29–42. https://doi.org/10.37950/jkpd.v2i1.32
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