Theoretical Foundations of Relationship Marketing

  • Al-Hamed G
  • Amin S
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Abstrat-This paper aims to explore the theoretical foundations of relationship marketing from the perspective of several authors-related disciplines, and to attempt a fresh perspective that seeks to integrate these contributions. Despite the recent popularity of research into relationship marketing, there is still some confusion surrounding the concept of and how it differs both from non relationship marketing and from other ways of managing marketing relationships. This confusion reflects, to some extent, the diverse origins of the concept and the scarcity of research into such fundamental questions as what is a relationship, and what forms of relationship are more or less suited under different circumstances to management through relationship marketing. Taking a broad approach to the subject, the paper explores and integrates these theoretical foundations. This article finds that an integrated account can be offered for the emergence of relationship marketing as a coherent area for research. Areas of marketing research with particular relevance to the development of research into relationship issues are: Internal marketing, Value creation rather than value distribution, Partnership and Strategic Alliances and interaction theory,. Future research into relationship marketing should focus on: the rationale, processes and structures involved in relationship marketing. The paper encompasses and integrates the diverse theoretical origins of relationship marketing and integrates the research traditions emerging from these origins as they relate to relationship marketing. The paper then considers the implications and priorities for the future development of research and theory in relationship marketing.




Al-Hamed, G., & Amin, S. T. (2014). Theoretical Foundations of Relationship Marketing. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, (5), 2277–3878.

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