Changing landscapes and land-use practices are altering habitat for Florida wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo osceola). However, an understanding of habitat determinants of nest success is lacking for this unique turkey subspecies, potentially limiting conservation success. We examined female wild turkey nest site selection and nest success at microhabitat and patch levels using logistic regression in an Information-Theoretical framework in Florida, 2008-2010. We captured and radio-equipped adult female turkeys, and followed birds to nests. Nests were monitored to document success, and habitat was measured at multiple levels at nest and random sites. Females selected nest sites in dense vegetation (i.e., increased saw palmetto cover [Serenoarepens] and higher palm stem densities) that may have provided lateral and vertical cover for concealment at the microhabitat level (i.e., area within 7 m of the nest), while selecting for a more open habitat (i.e., decreasing hardwood and conifer stem densities) at the patch level (i.e., area within 28 m of the nest). Similarly, successful nests were in more dense vegetation at the nest site (i.e., increased saw palmetto cover) in an otherwise more open habitat (i.e., lower basal area) than unsuccessful nests. Habitat management that creates patches of dense shrub vegetation such as saw palmetto within an open landscape may be best for Florida wild turkey nesting habitat and success.
Giuliano, W. M., Watine, L. N., Olson, J. M., Blake, M., & Ober, H. (2016). Florida Turkey Nest Site Selection and Success. Natural Resources, 07(11), 644–654.
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