Background: Acrylic resin ��ere �irst �sed in dentistry ��r dent�re �ases. ��e �asic kn���ledge �� acrylic resin c�ring �et��d s���ld �e kn���n �y t�e dentist, �eca�se t�e i��r�ved �er��r�ance �� acrylic resin de�ends �n t�e c�ring �et��d. Purpose: ��is st�dy ��as ai�ed t� �ind t�e ��st e��ective c�ring �et��d t� �r�d�ce t�e �ig�est transverse strengt� �� acrylic resin. Method: 18 rectag�lar acrylic resin sa��les ��it� 65 × 10 × 2.5 �� size, divided int� 3 gr���s �ased �n di��erence c�ring �et��d (Ja�an �nd�strial Standard, 24 ���r in 70° C ��iling ��ater, and �icr���ave). ��ere ��ere tested ��r t�eir transverse strengt�. result: ��e res�lt �� t�is st�dy s����ed t�at c�nventi�nal J�S �et��d �as t�e �ig�est �ean and deviati�n sc�res (60.85 �Pa ± 2.10) c���ared t� t��se �� 24 ���r in 70° C ��iling ��ater �et��d (55.77 �Pa ± 2.09) and �� �icr���ave �et��d (56.60 �Pa ± 1.45). Conclusion: ��e �ig�est transverse strengt� is derived �r�� t�e c�nventi�nal J�S c�ring �et��d.
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Salim, S. (2010). Various curing methods on transverse strength of acrylic resin. Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi), 43(1), 40.