• Heryani R
  • Denny A
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A BSTRAK Salah satu tujuan pembangunan era Millenium Development goals (MDG’s) 2015 adalah perbaikan kesehatan maternal. Salah satu cara di dalam persalinan atau mengeluarkan bayi secara patologis yaitu dengan sectio caesarea. Menurut  statistik 3.509 kasus sectio caesarea, indikasi terbanyak adalah disproporsi cephalo pelvik (21%), sedangkan indikasi lain adalah gawat janin (14%), plasenta previa (11%), pernah sectio caesarea (11%), incoordinate uterine action (9%), preeklamsi dan hipertensi (7%). Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian Quasy Experiment dengan post test only with control. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa umumnya responden memiliki umur tidak berisiko terhadap tindakan operasi yati sebanyak 15 orang (75%), sebagian responden pertama kali dilakukan operasi caesarea yaitu sebanyak 10 orang (50,0%), sebagian responden mengalami penyembuhan luka yang normal yaitu sebanyak 13 orang (65,0%), dan sebagian responden responden melakukan mobilisasi dini yaitu sebanyak 14  orang (70,0%). Secara statistik terdapat pengaruh mobilisasi dini terhadap penyembuhan luka post sectio caesarea di RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru (p value = 0.007). Disarankan bagi respnden dapat meningkatkan kesadarannya dalam meningkatkan derajat kesehatan melalui latihan mobilisasi dini untuk mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka akibat operasi. Kata Kunci      : sectio caesarea, mobilisasi, penyembuhan luka ABSTRACT One of the goals of development era of Millennium Development Goals (MDG's) in 2015 is the improvement of maternal health. One way in the delivery or the baby out with the pathological ie sectio caesarea. According to 3509 statistics compiled case sectio caesarea, an indication of cephalo pelvic disproportion is the highest (21%), while the other is an indication of fetal distress (14%), placenta previa (11%), never sectio caesarea (11%), incoordinate uterine action (9%), preeclampsia and hypertension (7%). This study research design quasy Experiment with post test only with control. The results showed that respondents generally have a lifespan of no risk for surgery yati many as 15 people (75%), the majority of respondents were first performed caesarea operation as many as 10 people (50.0%), the majority of respondents experienced a normal wound healing as many as 13 people (65.0%), and the majority of respondents respondents did early mobilization as many as 14 people (70.0%). There is a statistically significant relationship between early mobilization on wound healing post sectio caesarea (p value = 0.007). Suggested for respnden can increase awareness in improving health status through early mobilization exercises to accelerate the wound healing process as a result of the operation. Keywords: sectio caesarea, mobilization, wound healing




Heryani, R., & Denny, A. (2017). PENGARUH MOBILISASI DINI TERHADAP PENYEMBUHAN LUKA POST SECTIO CAESAREA. Jurnal Ipteks Terapan, 11(1), 109.

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