The paper presents a benchmarking method dealing with identification of measurable business performance indicators in order to make comparison with the "Best in Class". Fields of application, some classifications in use and benchmarking process phases are outlined. The paper describes systems used in construction companies in different countries (Chile (CDT), USA (CII), Brazil (SISIN) and United Kingdom (KPI)) which indicate the requirements related to the use of performance measures for benchmarking in the construction industry and identify key factors of effective design and implementation of performance measurement system.U radu je prikazana metoda bencmarkinga koja se bavi identifikacijom merljivih pokazatelja performansi poslovanja u cilju poredjenja s najboljim iz branse "Best in Class". Navedena su podrucja primene, neke od klasifikacija koje se koriste, kao i faze bencmarking procesa. Prikazani su sistemi koji se koriste u gradjevinskim kompanijama u razlicitim zemljama (Cile (CDT), SAD (CII), Brazil (SISIND) i Velika Britanija (KPI)), a koji ukazuju na zahteve povezane sa koriscenjem merenja performansi kod primene bencmarkinga u gradjevinskoj industriji i identifikuju kljucne faktore efektivnog projektovanja i primene sistema za merenje performansi.
Markovic, L., Dutina, V., & Kovacevic, M. (2011). Application of benchmarking method in the construction companies. Facta Universitatis - Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 9(2), 301–314.
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